Since our foundation in 1999, Qualquest has always been working hard to deliver complex web and mobile solutions to our customers worldwide. Rooted in our history of bringing software development success to our clients, we are looking for more opportunities in the future with you as our new customer.

  • Oculus Rift is introduced to consumers
  • The BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition becomes the first phone running the Ubuntu operating system
  • Apple officially releases Apple Watch

We’ve grown to over 400 engineers


Successfully completed our 1500th project
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We are included into the Leaders Matrix by Clutch.co as one of the Top Web Development companies

  • Google Glass is launched to the public
  • Apple introduces the new iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Watch
  • Android version 5.0 (Lollipop) is released

We’re adding DevOps to our Support & Maintenance service offering

Top Mobile App Developers

We’re listed as one of the Top Mobile App Developers by Clutch.co

augmented reality domain

We’re also going deeply into augmented reality domain

We’re working continuously on advancing our Application Security offering

  • Over 150 million records appear online from Adobe hack
  • Google Glass is available to developers


We’ve successfully completed our 1000th project

Full Cycle Tech Support


Qualquest launches the 24/7 Full Cycle Tech Support service line

  • The Voyager 1 spacecraft, launched in 1977, enters Interstellar space
  • Microsoft introduces Surface, while Apple releases iPad mini
  • The Raspberry Pi single-board computer is released in the United Kingdom
Best Use of Technology

Qualquest receives ‘Best Use of Technology’ business awards


One of the Star Projects we’ve completed this year is a custom-built ERP for Toyota

Big Data

We’re exploring the Big Data domain

  • Microsoft releases Office 365
  • Netflix introduces its online video streaming to enable subscribers to stream full movies over the Internet
Ruby on Rails

We’re adding Ruby on Rails to our expertise


250+ engineers on board, and still growing


We’ve completed our 500th project

  • Apple launches the iPad
  • Microsoft Azure goes live
  • Instagram is launched
Best in Class

Best in Class

Our first award – Best in Class: E-Commerce Category – is here!

cloud-based projects

Adding wearable tech and cloud-based projects to the list of our project success


Welcome Philips and adidas as our customers

  • Internet currency Bitcoin is introduced
  • After more than five years in beta, Gmail finally gets live
  • Zynga launches Farmville, its most successful game

We’re winning more and more Fortune 100 companies – Expedia, Xerox and Toyota joined us this year


150+ engineers on board


We’re successfully exploring Facebook as a game development platform

  • Apple launches AppStore
  • T-Mobile's G1 phone (HTC Dream) is the first phone to be released with Google Android 1.0
  • GitHub is founded
Mobile Competency Center

We’re launching our Mobile Competency Center


100+ engineers on board


60+ successfully completed projects


Cisco and Timex joined our customer list

  • Apple introduces iPhone and releases the first Apple TV
  • Steve Jobs is inducted into the California Hall of Fame
  • Google releases Android
mobility networks logistics

Qualquest signs a contract with Deutsche Bahn AG, our first European customer - willkommen!


We’ve been playing with mobile tech for quite a long period, starting from the embedded phase, and now we’re capable to implement the paradigm shift with the first customers willing to have iPhone/Android apps developed by Qualquest

  • jQuery is first introduced
  • Twttr, now known as Twitter is officially launched
  • Amazon.com opens AWS
QA and Testing Offering

While software testing services have always been a part of our full cycle software development service line, we launch our Independent QA and Testing Offering

Cloud paradigm

We’ve started exploring the Cloud paradigm

  • YouTube is founded
  • Google acquires Android
  • Hadoop is developed
Software Porting and Migration

We’re introducing a new service offering – Software Porting and Migration

Real-time systems

Adding a couple of real-time systems to our project portfolio

  • Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook
  • Blizzard releases World of Warcraft game
  • The NFC forum is founded
Game dev

Experimenting with near field communications and game dev


Yes, we now have 50+ engineers on board with an advanced diversified skillset


We’ve successfully completed our 100th project

  • Apple opens the iTunes store
  • LinkedIn is launched
  • Skype goes live

We’re working with a number of ISV startups that soon will become industry headliners

Application Integration

We’re introducing our new service offering – Application Integration
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  • NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe begins to map the surface of Mars using its thermal emission imaging system
  • PayPal is acquired by eBay (to undergo a spin-off a decade later)
  • Creative Commons flexible copyright is introduced
Financial domain

We’re digging deeply into the financial domain having acquired a number of new customers working in this industry

Dedicated Development

We launch our Dedicated Development Center offering

  • IntelliJ IDEA, an integrated development environment, is released for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and IBM starts the Eclipse project
  • Video game adventuress Lara Croft comes to life in a movie “Lara Croft: Tomb Rider” starring Angelina Jolie
  • The Agile Manifesto, an outline for agile development methods, is introduced

We’re adding Java to our tech stack


Now we’ve got 33 employees on board, working on a dozen projects simultaneously


Yes, we’re absolutely smitten with the Agile movement, but it will take a couple of more years to adopt it in practice to the fullest

  • Computers continue to work and the world doesn't come to an end on January 1, 2000 as some feared might happen because of the year 2000 bug
  • Microsoft introduces C# and the .NET Framework
  • Google announces it has indexed over one billion pages making it the Internet's largest search engine

We’ve grown twice the initial size, now counting 20 employees


Qualquest adds .NET to our tech skillset


We’ve also won 5 more ISV customers that are with us nowadays

  • Google gets a $25 million round from Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins
  • The Matrix movie is released

Qualquest is launched as a small web development company with 10 developers on board, primarily focused on PHP


By the end of the first year, the first 5 projects have been successfully completed

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